Last month I read Master Your Metabolism by Mariska Van Aalst and Jillian Michaels. I just happened to stumble upon this book on a visit to the library and thought I'd check it out. I have been exploring ways to improve my health and immune system and I am continually on the look out for any tips to help me improve my fitness level.
I have to say this book was life changing for me. For the past few years I have tried to keep processed foods to a minamum and alleviate most white flour and white sugar from my diet. I had already seen a few results from these practices including weight loss and a huge reduction in breakouts. This book takes those concepts to the extreme by suggesting we take everything back to the way nature intended. This well researched book is full of factual information as to why pesticides and other chemicals that are added to our foods and even the containers we store them in are harmful to our health. The book goes through how these chemicals react with our hormones and the damage they do to our body including weight gain, fatigue and the bigger issues like diabetes and heart disease.
After reading the book I have made great efforts to follow Jillian's plan and have seen some promising results. I have finally dropped those last five pounds that I was unable to get rid of even though I had been dieting and excercising. The amazing part was I able to stop counting calories and the weight just came off unexpectedly. I have also found that I no longer crave my nightly addiction to Pepperedge Farms Dark Chocolate Chunk cookies which is miraculous for me. My husband and children are most excited about the grass fed beef and sausage I have been serving instead of chicken, chicken and more chicken. I was not a meat lover but have to say the grass fed beef and pork we are getting from a local farmer is unbelievable. For those of you who don't plan on reading the book and are wondering why grass fed beef, it is full of omega 3's and other nutrients that corn fed cattle do not have.
This book is definitely worth checking out!